Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Layoffs Strike - and Pickup Shots

Hey guys!!

  Been a crazy couple of weeks in the cg biz and the Hard times have made their way to our company as well .

Superbot has had to downsize several times in the last few months and I and many of our brothers and sisters are back on the street looking for work.

Its not just games.....its the Film folks as well......Dreamworks - Digital Domain -Rhythm and Hues-  Lots of super talented folks without work.

Luckily I quickly found another great project and will be joining a new talented team in March for another Big production.

The project is very cartoony and a very well known character in the video games biz that I am very excited to animate........new chapters ahead and I wish Superbot the best.

as for our film....

I have been doing a few pickup shots and they are making the film just that much better...... plugging Holes here and there with a closeup or a reaction shot.........Adding the effects to the shots is all frosting and really fun to do.

What we finished here is so freaking massive guys..... I can tell there will be a HOLE when its all gone.

Something shel always said to me......

when she works for months and months on a Piece of Dance to perform...

All The setup - rehearsals -All the coordination...... and then POOF...its gone.

 It fades into the memory's of anyone who saw it...and her experience as the performer fades as well  .

She said there is almost always some kind of Post performance Blues.

I have never been in that situation before but I tell you that finishing our film then Being able to watch our art over and over with audiences all over the country just keeps the AFTERGLOW shining bright!!
