been crunchin at work....and crunchin at home on some freelance....So the films animation has taken a back seat FOR 2 WEEKS while I finish the job.
so ....Aedon- My daughter decided to pick up my slack with her very first stopmotion animation ever- Proud DAD....
In the meantime - here's another of the {Deleted -Special Features} from our recent DVD release of Gerald's Last Day. We thought this information was very important part of the journey but we didnt have room on the
..... Here is an Un edited BLAST of information on GLD's Festival Tour-Lots of cool info- if you can sit through it -Ha !! -
All the busyness has not stopped shel and the art assistants

In preparation for some dialog work I want to do......I did a quick mouth shapes test on the rich guy remodel puppet.........the focus of this test was to make sure all the shapes I made worked well enough to effectively SPEAK....and that the way they attach-{some sticky wax- to a resin SKULL} worked well enough
In Stopmotion NEWS - Our stop mo Brother Ethan Marak short animated film - SUPERBATTLE- is now available - on DVD

In other other Stopmo News - Our other Buddy Sven Bonnichsen at scarlet star studios has decided to create his own animation festival up in Portland. Check it out and feel free to send your film in!!

Tricks of the week-
Shopping Cart Challenge-This was created by my very good Artist friend {B Johnson}
He called the challenge and we all made it happen...ha!
later guys
w00t! Shamus rocks the ninja style kick over the cart HA!
And Aedon begins her life long career.
Looks like you will need a bigger table for your helpers. It's getting crowded!
Cool. Inspirational updates.
Congratulations on earning back the money. And thanks for the festival advice - I made notes!
Also, great lip-synch! Rich guy has had a fall from grace, hasn't he!!
Nice clip from Aedon, I could barely tell the difference :D I liked the munching.
Justin, I'm sorry but Aedon's animation just beats yours out. How that little chunk of food goes down the throat, talk about details! :)
What's the required donation for a puppet? I better start collecting this stuff now!
Thanks for the continued inspiration! Say yo to the fam!
aargghh, nice tease lol :)
thanks for that super informative behind the scenes!!
wish some bigshot would stumble onto your blog and decide to fund your movie studio right now ;)
Dude! You've got to do the cart jump in line at the grocery store! Y'know, when a new register opens up and everyone fights for it, then, ZOOP!
Thanks for sharing your "tour de fests" adventure stories, learned a lot!
You guys always inspire!
Shamus shamed all of you. rad. lots of good stuff man. dialogue test is amazing. RE: Aedon, the stopmo force is strong in this one. I am guessing she's on step away from reading your minds.
The festival talk was a huge help for me. Deb and I are about to enter this world in about two months. Thanks for this. It was not long in fact I wish it were longer. The festival world is a mysterious world to me. Great tips you guys. Best post!
Awesome post! The "Other" Rich Guy (Coraline reference) is downright fearsome. I see you tied his hand down, that's a creative way to keep it still. The animation itself is, WOAH! Looks like it's moving every frame and nothing is lacking from one frame to the next. Pure inspiration.
Thanks for the info about the festival circuit as well. I'm anxiously awaiting the point where I'll be submitting BAS wherever there's an opening. At the very least, I'm going for the NW Animation Festival, so that approaching deadline is exciting to work towards and gives structure to the day-to day tasks.
So great! It looks like you guys are having a blast (as always) and what an exciting feeling to be winning all those animation festivals with Gerald! Keep animatin', you guys are such an inspiration!
Shelly} yeah...i was proud of shamus....hes a big kid...and he made the jump!!
as for Aedons career...ha! what ever that monkey wants ta do is fine with long as shes happy!
Yuji} Ha....yeah...its typically not that crowded...but yep...Bridget and Justin have been helping us for a long time...and they are priceless!!!!
Matthew} thanks dood!....good to see ya here.
Dean}thanks man....yeah...being profitable as a company is somthing we really care about.
anyone who is willing to trust us with there money we will work very hard to make sure we get it back to them.
Mex Vike}Ha! yeah....shes a natural...ha.
yeah man....if you really want a puppet for a donation send me an email and well work somthing out.
but thanks for the confidence means a ton!
Alonso} Ha....the rest of the talk is on there if you missed part 2...
otherwise...super coolness Dream chasinness is on the stay tuned!
as for funding man!! yeah said it....super rich stumbleing onto our projects would be amazing...
if you know some...feel free to pass on the link.
Jon} ha! will do time im at the market...Ill let loose. ha!
glad you got somthing from the talk..
Rich} aww man...Im so excited for you guys with your film....its gona be so awesome!!!
good luck and make sure you blog on it.
Don} good luck with your film man....cnat waIT TO SE IT...and goals are everything to keep you on point!!
that test was shot on 1's....and thanks.
Emily}thanks lady!! glad we could offer some inspiration ....cause i get it from you guys all the time.
Wow! Awesome news!
Rewatching that lip sync test, had some questions.
how many mouth shapes did you build for that monologue?
What kind of clay are your eyebrows?
Alonso} I used 7 face shapes...
I would just move a few of them around to get some extra more open or closed.
Alex} thanks man!
Very VERY inspiring! Thanks for sharing your video!
I am so amazed by everything you guys continue to do on your films! This came at just the right time for me as I am looking to start submitting my film to festivals, and as a rookie, I really need the help!
Keep up the great work!
Great extra. It's awesome that you keep giving even after the DVD is completed.
I cannot tell you how many times I've watched that mouth test. I'll watch it on my phone when I wait for the train.
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