Hey Guys!!
Week 2 is done....and Relief is setting in .....Deep Breath.....

- I am getting more comfortable In the Building and in my work....with every NEW animation I create .....I get better and more comfortable with the puppets and my place in the building....
I managed to get a walk animation done that I was pretty happy with and my supervisor Genuinely liked....I added some subtle acting to the start of the animation that tapped into my
own shyness....and it payed off.
This was a major moment in my week and was a MAJOR pressure lifter-

that allowed me to Trust more in the fact that I will be able to at some point Create work that will be on Par......

So ...I will continue my training for many weeks to come and next week I will be -Learning -testing - Running our {Hero}in character for the film.....
I am very excited about this new test and specifically how it relates to my very first animated sequence for the film.
I am also DREAMING

Dreaming about my very first Approved Shot.....Showing HUGE on that Big screen

and able to Hold up to the scrutiny-and Red Laser Pointer layed upon it....

and as they announce the Animator resposible for the shot- {THEY DO}

- I want feel good about it...
That is my very closest GOAL in my near future....cant wait.
I am getting more comfotable on 1's....but I am still moving the puppets a bitt to much{spacewise} in alot of cases than i Should.....
I am able to spot when I am doing this through playback but I still underestimate alot of the time- How many frames required and how small to move them.
its amazing how TINY the moves are at times

....I have never worked at such
tiny increments....and its gona take some time till i really got it.

1.Stopmo Animators -NEED good Shoes-

WOW!! oUCH..... ha.
2.I learned this week somthing cool and that I would have never thought of doing.
Alot of the guys switch between 1's and 2's on {SPECIFIC BODY} parts.....to get away with the tiny stuff and saving time.
for instance...I was working some Acting with some very subtle movement before....our HERO walked away from the scene. One of the guys told me I could do the Body On 2's{since the movement was so tiny.......
And then ANIMATE the HEAD on 1's.......Because the eyes follow the head....you can get away with it.....but you can use this techniqe on arms or other body parts too...
when you are moving the puppet.... at a hairs width or less.....you can get away with it on 2's
this was a cool tip....and Im looking forward to trying it out soon.
I am Counting down the DAYS till Shel And Aedon come up next Wednesday.

I will pick them up after work from our Portland Stopmotion Friends- Sven and Gretchen at Scarlet Star Studios-
they will be here till Sunday in our LAIKA temp housing....and will help me find an apartment on the weekend.
by the way Shel is walking and can now go Up stairs......so every day shes getting better and better.......shes looking very forward to taking our first Hikes in Portland and doing our first challenges in the GYM
....Shell be vaulting again before she knows it.
speaking of challenges-
Tricks of the week-
Nicky -My now 18 year old Boy- has posted his very First Stunt reel and it came out great.
Being here alone I have had time to look through some of my files and get them up on our blog and on youtube so Grandma could see us bouncing....
heres my Baby Aedon doing challenges that just melt DAD's heart as a little girl....shes gotten so BIG.
Big DiveRoll From the Workout Room-
2year old FIRE pole slide-
Aedons Amazing Baby Climbing skills-
Shel Testing the Hooks in the gyms early Construction
If Anyone Did not think I was part Monkey before?
and heres some challenges we did before I left for Portland.
Robert - Parking space challenge-
Dad Dive To Back Flip.
Dad From the Top Rope-
And Untill we talk again I Bid you B Johnson!

continues to be exciting.. I wish you could post shots! (Don't do it.)
I'm really glad to hear you had such a good 2nd week, and are getting more comfortable.
I look forward to celebrating when you get your first Approved Shot.
Thank you so much for sharing animation lessons with us.
OMG!!! I clearly haven't been to your blog in a while! MAJOR CONGRATS!!! on the job!! You are living my dream and it is such an inspiration to have seen part of your journey of getting there. I am so happy and completely jealous but I know as long as I keep puttin in the hard work I will get there. Again, this is amazing news, enjoy it!!
Sounds awesome! Go, dude, go!
This is SO COOL!! I went from video to video, now I'm so ready to start flipping around! I hope my life is this exciting and fun and active in the future- glad you're getting more comfortable in the workplace!
And go Nick! what an awesome stunt reel. I really enjoyed it! Jumping through that hula hoop is so amazing. Can't wait to hear more!
Awesome! Your posts are always encouraging. Its so sick that you get to go through stop-mo boot-camp.
Glad to hear your finding your footing up there, we all knew you would. How long do they expect for you to be training up before they start handing you shots? Is there a big difference using their super professional puppets vs using the ones you guys made? How many animator's are there?
Tell Nick he should start making his own live action shorts, get his friends and a camera and just GO :)(the DV Rebels Handbook might be a useful book)
Glad to hear Shel's improving, scary stuff that, especially for a dancer.
Lol, starting Aedon so young, she's gonna be unstoppable.
Awesome man !
It's super nice to read your feelings and your thoughts about what your living right now.
It's funny that you ask Shel to test your hook before using it :)
(just kidding)
I don't wish you luck. You don't need that.
I love reading about your progress even though you can't put up pictures, Keep em coming dude
Mattson} I am going to be setting up a Home shooting stage as soon as I get an Apartment.
so animations coming back!!!
CreativeSkullProduction} Awww man....me too!! cant wait and its coming sooner than LATER.
Glad to share with you guys.
Freckles} Thanks!!I am Enjoying it Completely!!!
JON} Im a going!!
Emily}Thanks ...and your life Will be everything you want !! just Make it happen. Yeah Im proud of nickys reel too!
Stuart} yeah man...I am learning soooo much man!!! its really like starting over from the begining.
Alonso}usually there is 5 good weeks of training before a shot is givin but they seem to be giving me one the start of My 4th week!!!
I dont feel Quite ready for it...but I am gona jump in the pool 1 way or another. so Wish me luck!
I have told nicky to make his own live action short. And He has a finished script....he just has to start shootin....which is very soon.
Yeah Shels knee is getting better at Light speed!! Shes improving super fast.
Yeah man...Aedons gona be a Super Ninja if she wants it!
Vincent}thanks and Ill be sharing the whole ride man.
Jeff} thanks dood! This movie is amazing!!! I cant wait to share it!!
Justin, You're super-talented man, sure you will make wonderful work there :)
Hey, the gym is AWESOME! wow you both Justin and Shel do great things!
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