Hey Guys!
I am sure A bunch of you guys saw the announcement- But LAIKA Officially announced the Film we are working on-
PARANORMAN. -http://www.laika.com/

Its gona be an amazing film guys!!!! I cant wait to see it at the Local Movie Theater!!
I started up and finished week five in a relatively chill way- Lots of testing -Action sequences.
and setups on a couple of new shots- One of which is an Overwhelming Crowd scene - 9 to be exact!!

They asked me if I was up to it....and Inside I was like{ uuuughhh } but my outside said YEP!!!
Its so so so Different from Cg - In CG you can take one character on at a time...
{even down to Lower body/Upperbody} ----get it going then move onto the next character- EASY-
In preparation for a shot like this -I figured out basically where they start and where are going to end up-

choose My breakdown poses and Offsets - and then just start clickin....and HOPE
....its a pretty wild process comparatively.
SO .....Monday Morning....I'll Jump in and see what Happens?
In prep for the other shot coming down the pipe..... I had to do lots of Motion control tests to mimic a P.O.V. which is a tricky thing.

Working with these amazing machines . It just makes these stopmotion Sets Shine to have the camera moving all around them.
Last Piece of NEWS - I am officially starting to put our lastest story down on Paper {Theatre Mouse} -I have the story written and now to put it in script format.

It will be the very first LIVE Action Film that we will make......... I am so excited on making a film that doesnt take 3 years or more to make....Ha!
Untill we meet again-
FAVORITE Film Scene of the Week-
Yes - I am a Star Trek Nerd- Incase you ever doubted it....ha!
ok. Now you're just making stuff up. That all sounds incredible, Justin!
Go get 'em.
Great post. I love hearing the inner workings of all this stuff. When is the scheduled release date for Paranorman?
All good stuff Justin. Dang! Writing up your script as you're animating a feature, I need to get my butt to work.
@Stuart: Paranorman is looking to show August 17, 2012. I'm pumped.
Good post man, thanks for keeping us updated
so playing with all the fancy toys, what does this mean when you can get back to your own films? Will you be figuring out ways to do crazy camera motion shots on your own, or find different aspects of the film to emphasize?
live action short!! do it do it. exciting stuff man.
I really like independent films! You will have to give me the details when your newest action film gets released. And how cool it would be to get one of your films in a local theatre. .
hey, how much coffee do you drink?
Shelly} nope ...its all the real deal lady!
and will do.
Stuart}Paranorman- i think is scheduled for aug- 2012
{Creative Skull} yep-I love making movies man.
Jeff}Ill post the whole ride man.
Alonso}well...Me and shel already are putting camera work into the new film but...crazy isnt in the books...ha!
but we are always evolving into the higher level stuff.
Rich}thanks man! Youll see it here just like {LINE}
MusicofJustin} thanks man....its a dream to have our film in the BIG theatre...and we are getting close every day.
Alonso} Ha! I dont drink Coffee at all....I DO drink soda- dr pepper is my favorite...
but the energy comes from within .
Wow the looks really great! keep up the good work!
Great post! Motion control + stop mo = GORGEOUS!
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