Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My very 1rst cg Film from 1995.

Hey guys,

.......its REALLY , really, really hard ta look at now but man...... it turned some heads back then {95}........Ha! ........One thing I try to tell my self instead of hideing bad artwork from my past is that { this was where I was.... at that place and at that time } and as long as I continue to grow Its just a step on the path........so HERE it is.

This film was done on my own time back in school when I was just an infant on the computer...{I believe it took me about 8 weeks to create}...I came up with the story from some young man angst and a general Missing of my son Nicholas who was liveing at my Parents house untill I finished my year 2 of at school. I was in my 2nd quarter of computer training on 3d studio 3.0.... We basically learned how to model and do some basic textureing at the time. I started playing around with the program a quickly saw I had control of the lights - camera and ACTION of objects which instantly made me want to make a movie!!!

So I drew up some characters in the sketch book - came up with some shots and a basic idea - about a lost kid -These scribbles are all I could find. I basically just dived in and learned as I went ....Lots of questions to the more technically inclined and a new editing programs ta learn and I had my first CG movie.

hope its entertaining as many weaknesses as it has....I have a bunch more films to share - 2d -cg.....and Ill share them here.....its kinda cool to see the progression.



Anonymous said...

Thats just amazing for a first film...the story, character design, atmosphere, emotion and music and facility with softwhare...You took to it like a fish to water! Thanks for posting it. Looking forward to the full repertoire...

JPierro said...

Very cool! I couldn't agree more with what Melvyn just said, so I'm just going to cut and paste it here, because I think it should be said again...."Thats just amazing for a first film...the story, character design, atmosphere, emotion and music and facility with softwhare...You took to it like a fish to water! Thanks for posting it. Looking forward to the full repertoire..." I really love the barker freak show beginning too.

Shelley Noble said...

Me too: "Thats just amazing for a first film...the story, character design, atmosphere, emotion and music and facility with softwhare...You took to it like a fish to water! Thanks for posting it. Looking forward to the full repertoire..."

Especially when we think back to the cg software available back in 95! Your puppet body integration ability was showing even through the limitation of tools and experience.

So glad you have your Nick now. So sweet and sad feelings in the film.

Edwound Wisent said...

(^ heh. I admit I like what others may consider amateurish more than over the top professionalism.

(^ for a first" pha. it is what it is. an emotional pop.
(^ oh MUST it be "good for a beginner"?
(^ or just plain nice to remember as having been of massive importance at the time it was made?

(^ thanks for the sketchbook pops as well.
(^ I entered into computer systems too early and by 1995 was on a whirlwind cross country wild ride telling tales and making baubles oon the roadtrip with a musician.
(^ thanks for sharing the early stuff.
(^ in some ways it's more pertinent than robot chicken ever will be in my book.

(^ leaving friends and family behind to try and become something more than can be done without parental backup is exactly my cup of angstfilled tea.

(^ onwards to the rest of your sojourn!
(^ and me to mine.

jriggity said...

Thanks guys!

I wasnt quite sure how you all would respond?....

edwound - yes....I see it that way as well...it meant alot to me at the time so judgeing the quality is silly of me. It was a personal expression in this new form of ART I discovered.



stephanie said...

Wow, that IS great for a first film! The foggy, metallic atmosphere, music and character design are most impressive... I guess I could have copied + pasted the comments above too, hehe.

Anonymous said...

Great work, man!

I've been playing around with the special effects software and really like... Well... not the keyframe aspect, but the ability to change what every frame looks like without gravity getting in the way.

In fact, I might consider pursuing computer animation if I can find a 3D package I can afford!

As far as your first film-- hardly a train wreck. I love the camera moves, and it's fun to see how well the sketches translated to the screen :)

Ryan McCulloch said...

Wow thanks for sharing I really enjoyed it, for a first stab at it, you proved that you had a lot of promise and where you are now is evidence of that. We could talk about how technical ability effected the film all we want but what I got out of it was your immense talent as a director through all the mood and atmosphere you created. Great blast from the past, really enjoyed it!

Emily said...

Can't think of what to say that hasn't been said - it's great, I was into CG around then and this is alot better then most of what I was seeing! Extra impressive that it's a first film.